High Dividend Stocks

High dividend stocks is a list of the top performing stocks today that pays high dividend. These top dividend stocks are trading on NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. The high dividend stocks list is updated each day after market close.


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Symbol Open High Low Close Volume % Stock Prediction
JNJ 145.31 146.05 144.26 144.97 7432400 0.15% JNJ Buy or Sell
KO 62.33 62.62 61.68 61.77 16175100 -0.44% KO Buy or Sell
MMM 138.21 138.85 137.12 137.78 4112900 0.42% MMM Buy or Sell
MRK 100.10 100.82 99.61 100.09 8217300 0.44% MRK Buy or Sell
MSFT 419.13 428.15 418.27 426.31 19609100 2.56% MSFT Buy or Sell
PFE 26.52 26.65 26.21 26.22 33680600 -0.72% PFE Buy or Sell
T 21.98 22.09 21.88 21.91 50546200 0.50% T Buy or Sell
TRV 240.13 242.18 239.63 239.98 1481100 1.29% TRV Buy or Sell
VZ 38.30 38.59 38.07 38.18 27798800 -0.26% VZ Buy or Sell
WMT 91.07 91.73 90.81 91.34 17058800 0.61% WMT Buy or Sell

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