Overbought Stocks

Overbought stock screener to scan for a list of the most overbought stocks trading on the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX. The overbought stocks list is scanned based on technical indicators rather than company fundamentals. Therefore, this list is intended to be used by short term swing traders rather than long term investors.

Most Overbought Stocks

The most overbought stocks list updates automatcially each day after market close. Overbought stocks is a good leading indicator to find profitable trade setups.


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Symbol Open High Low Close Volume % Stock Prediction
SOUN 14.25 14.32 12.70 13.55 74424319 -4.78% SOUN Buy or Sell
AAPL 247.96 250.80 246.27 246.49 42848516 -0.52% AAPL Buy or Sell
NVTS 4.45 4.53 4.05 4.08 9456976 -6.21% NVTS Buy or Sell
NWL 11.73 11.78 11.34 11.43 8571016 -1.72% NWL Buy or Sell
PTVE 17.34 17.37 17.27 17.28 6062088 -0.29% PTVE Buy or Sell
TJX 127.31 127.91 126.57 126.81 5087580 -0.31% TJX Buy or Sell
BFLY 3.74 3.75 3.51 3.61 3693298 -1.63% BFLY Buy or Sell
MGX 4.49 4.60 3.95 3.95 3282228 -5.73% MGX Buy or Sell
SHO 12.30 12.30 12.15 12.23 2294485 -0.08% SHO Buy or Sell
SH 41.69 41.70 41.49 41.55 2284807 -0.79% SH Buy or Sell
HSAI 11.84 11.85 10.91 11.40 2260236 -2.15% HSAI Buy or Sell
CPIX 2.09 2.48 2.03 2.42 2236415 -0.82% CPIX Buy or Sell
AUPH 10.49 10.49 9.98 10.11 2103634 -3.16% AUPH Buy or Sell
VMEO 7.45 7.45 7.13 7.31 2061230 -0.14% VMEO Buy or Sell
SATL 4.00 4.25 3.87 3.98 1858225 0.00% SATL Buy or Sell
UNCY 0.83 0.85 0.78 0.80 1640334 0.00% UNCY Buy or Sell
UNFI 30.51 31.24 27.95 28.08 1605026 -5.20% UNFI Buy or Sell
BIRK 54.47 55.09 53.66 54.15 1353034 -0.40% BIRK Buy or Sell
ROIC 17.47 17.48 17.45 17.45 1278296 -0.06% ROIC Buy or Sell
CCRN 18.09 18.11 18.04 18.04 1217700 -0.17% CCRN Buy or Sell
PEB 15.07 15.12 14.72 14.80 1208881 -0.94% PEB Buy or Sell
CTV 3.07 3.09 3.06 3.06 1207500 -0.33% CTV Buy or Sell
GRRR 7.91 7.93 7.30 7.88 1196232 -0.13% GRRR Buy or Sell
RDZN 2.60 2.87 2.28 2.45 1159904 -5.77% RDZN Buy or Sell
UPLD 5.47 5.64 4.94 5.30 1078150 -0.19% UPLD Buy or Sell
HIMX 6.85 6.85 6.47 6.70 1021811 -1.62% HIMX Buy or Sell
MAPS 1.36 1.39 1.31 1.35 982920 -2.17% MAPS Buy or Sell
TSE 6.25 6.70 5.95 6.09 783468 -2.87% TSE Buy or Sell
NIXX 4.68 4.68 3.40 4.39 773685 -5.39% NIXX Buy or Sell
WNW 1.31 1.53 1.20 1.30 701775 0.78% WNW Buy or Sell
KAR 20.72 20.72 20.40 20.60 686975 -0.05% KAR Buy or Sell
ELAB 2.37 2.55 2.13 2.49 632487 -2.73% ELAB Buy or Sell
AAPU 42.18 43.10 41.58 41.63 624124 -1.00% AAPU Buy or Sell
DBVT 3.36 3.46 3.29 3.29 602111 -2.37% DBVT Buy or Sell
KOD 9.79 10.14 8.93 8.94 488376 -10.60% KOD Buy or Sell
UTI 26.07 26.65 26.04 26.10 429839 -0.08% UTI Buy or Sell
FTCI 3.84 3.84 3.20 3.48 345551 -7.94% FTCI Buy or Sell
DSP 21.44 21.49 19.32 21.04 325363 -1.45% DSP Buy or Sell
GGT 5.10 5.12 5.08 5.09 321565 -0.20% GGT Buy or Sell
CLPT 16.90 16.90 15.70 16.43 304283 -1.50% CLPT Buy or Sell
BCOV 4.37 4.38 4.34 4.35 270344 -0.23% BCOV Buy or Sell
TWM 39.09 39.66 38.87 39.34 235172 -0.81% TWM Buy or Sell
PRLB 44.85 44.88 43.87 44.37 214059 -0.40% PRLB Buy or Sell
FDUS 21.65 21.65 21.32 21.41 205212 -0.37% FDUS Buy or Sell

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